Cinderella Mermaid
By Shelby and Jennifer
Julia: Hi, my name is Julia. I really want to go to the Under-the-Sea
Dance, but my fins are full of sand and my hair is dirty, plus I have
too many chores!
Fairy Dolphin: Im your Fairy Dolphin. I heard you want to go to
the Under-the-Sea Dance.
Julia: I would love to, but look at my fins and hair. Besides, I have
too much work to do.
Fairy Dolphin: Oh, no problem! Ill just call my magic seahorse.
Julia: Will you really help me, Fairy Dolphin?
Fairy Dolphin: Of course! I will give you beautiful fins and clean hair.
Julia: But what about my chores?
Fairy Dolphin: Oh, dont worry! My trusty seahorse will have it
done in no time!
Julia: Oh thank you so much! I cant wait!
Fairy Dolphin: Oh, I forgot! You have until 12:30, and then everything
will be back to normal.
Julia: Can I have my fins shiny shiny silver and my top sparkly white,
and gold jewels?
Fairy Dolphin: Oh, you better hurry! Your dance is almost over!
Julia: What will I go in?
Fairy Dolphin: Your new clothes!
Julia: No, I meant, to ride in?
Fairy Dolphin: Oh yes, I will call a sea carriage for you!
Julia: Which way do I go?
Fairy Dolphin: The carriage knows!
Julia: Its a beautiful dance!
Fairy Dolphin: Goodbye! Have a nice night!
Julia: Oh thank you, Fairy Dolphin!
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