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Letters to Save the Rainforest

Many different animals, plants and even people live in the world's rainforests. Unfortunately, large areas of rainforest are cut down for wood and farmland every day (one acre every second). One easy and free way you can help keep the rainforests alive is to visit and click the "save our rainforests" button. Here is a picture from that site that shows the rainforest disappearing:


There are many ways you can help save the rainforest. 4th graders in Mr. Jonston's class decided to write letters asking people to stop cutting down the trees. Sending letters is a very important way of letting people know what you think. If you choose, please use the addresses in the letters below and write a letter of your own.



February 13, 2001

Mr. Mikio Sasaki
Mitsubishi COrporation

Dear Mr. Sasaki,

I have been told one of the world's biggest corporate destroyers of rainforests is Mitsubishi Corporation. They are destroying too much of the rainforests.

We need to stop cutting down the rainforests. The rainforests clean most of the Earth's air. Without trees in the rainforests the air will become polluted and we would not be alble to breathe.

We are asking you to stop destroying the rainforests. Once they are gone we will never get them back. Together, you and we can make a difference.

Thank you for considering our request. We would appreciate a response.

Mr. Jonston's Fourth Grade Class



February 12, 2001

Dear President Bush,

Please save the rainforest. If the rainforest was gone, we wouldn't have a lot of things. The air wouldn't be clean. We wouldn't have any medicine from the rainforest. There would be pollution that causes diseases of lungs. There wouldn't be animal habitat. There also wouldn't be rubber. Please talk to industries and companies and tell them not to cut down the rainforest.




February 13, 2001

Honorable Hillary Clinton
U.S. Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Madam,

I think we should keep all the rainforests!! Without the rainforest we won't get medicines so we will get very ill. It is very important to have medicine, so we can get healthy. When the rainforest is burned down we will not have juicy fruits to eat.

The rainforest is very helpful!! Please save the rainforest.




February 12, 2001

Honorable Hillary Clinton
U.S. Senate
Washington D.C. 20510

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

Nobody should cut down the rainforest. Nobody should cut down the rainforest because it gives us our medicine that we need. If we don't have the rainforest, we could die by cancer or pneumonia or many other diseases. The people who cut the rainforest down do not think very carefully. It ruins many things that we could use in the rainforest, like aspirin we learned how to make from the rainforest. That cures headaches or stomach aches. People would die from diseases more if the rainforest is cut down. Please don't let people cut down the rainforest. It is very important. I am getting worried.




February 13, 2001

Dear Mrs. Clinton,

Our class has been studying the rainforests of the world. We have been finding out more every day about the rainforests. With all the information I have gathered, I have thought of something. I have found out 50,000 acres of Rainforest are cut down a day. So I'm concerned about preserving the rainforests. If we cut down the Rainforests we could die. If the Rainforests are cut down, tomorrow all the animals in the rainforests would be gone, and then any animals that are fed on those animals would die. After that, all the plants would die because there would be no animals to help the soil, and then all of the people would die. So if we cut down the Rain forests it might mean our lives.




Dear Senator Clinton,

Please preserve our rainforests. If people destroy our tropical rainforests we won't have products such as rubber and medicine, and there can be weather changes to our environment. There are plants that have a cure to cancer too.

I've learned rainforests are being burned down. Please try and help.




President George Bush
Washington D.C.

Dear President Bush,

Can you please talk to the people who are cutting down the rainforest? If they cut down the trees a lot of species could be extinct. In school we learned that rainforests aren't just homes to animals but people too. We are destroying people's homes and animals too. We need to save the rainforest quick. Please talk to the people. Let them realize what they're doing.




February 12, 2001

Dear President Bush,

You should save the rainforest because if you don't the air will be polluted and we'll all die. We wouldn't be able to find any more medicines. So if you can, talk to the Home Depot and tell them to stop cutting rainforests.




February 12, 2001

Dear President Bush,

Don't cut down the rainforests. If you do then we won't have enough medicine to heal the people and they'll die. If you cut down the rainforests then we won't have any rubber. Then you won't be able to use your car because tires is made out of rubber and you'll run out of tires. If you cut down then the air would be polluted. People would have diseases and die. So if you can, talk to the leaders of countrys to stop cutting down the rainforests.




February 12, 2001

Dear President Bush,

I think you should do something about people cutting down the rainforest. The rainforest is a home to many animals and a home to many people. The rainforest provides many of our foods we eat today. It also provides lots of our medicines. It also cleans our air. The rainforest makes a lot of our oxygen.




February 13, 2001

Dear President Bush,

I think you should do something about people cutting down the rainforest, because it provides food and oxygen. If you cut it down it might pollute the air. So please do something!


P.S. What is New York doing about this?



February 13, 2001

Honorable Hillary Clinton
U.S. Senate
Washington DC 20510

Dear Madam,

I think we should keep all the rainforests. We have lots of products from the rainforests.

The plants help clean the air. Without the rainforests' plants our air would be dirty and polluted. Without clean air we can't breathe right.

If we get sick where do you think we get some medicines? THE RAINFOREST!! Do you want to get rid of that important medicine? I sure wouldn't! Some haven't even been discovered!!

Pollution causes diseases of lungs. Medicine from the rainforest can help.

If you kill a certain animal from the rainforest, they could be connected in a food chain. That would kill all the connected animals.

We need rubber from the rubber tree. We have lots of rubber products that will go to waste.




February 12, 2001

Dear Mr. Bush,

Please save the rainforests! If we destroy the rainforest, we will not have clean air. Also many foods come from the rainforest, like bananas, cocoa, and vanilla. Please talk to world leaders and companies to stop cutting and burning rainforests.



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