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Rainforest Reading Responses

• 1st Graders


2nd Graders


4th Graders

1st Graders:

First graders in Mrs. Doescher's and Mrs. Goldfeder's classes read "The Great Kapok Tree" by Lynne Cherry. In this story, a man's animal friends give him great ideas for saving the rainforest. Students then wrote their own ideas for helping the rainforest:

Do not chop down the trees. Do not take the flowers. Do not take the wood to make furniture. Do not kill animals.

- Colby


Don't chop the trees down. Don't wreck it. Let the rainforest stay pretty. Don't kill the animals. Don't do bad things like that.

- Emily

I love the rain forest. Do not chop down trees. Do not cut down the rain forest.

- Dillon


I could help the rain forest. Do not kill the animals, and do not chop down the trees.

- Hadiyah


Do not cut down trees. Do not kill animals. Do not burn the rainforest.

- Sammy


Do not kill animals. Do not chop trees down. Do not take plants. I like the rainforest.

- Ashli


Not chopping down trees. Animals need the trees. Don’t kill animals because we need them. People do try to save the rainforest.

- Victoria


Don’t kill animals. Don’t chop down the trees. Don’t pull out the plants.

- Tyler


To not burn down the forest and not pull plants. I wish to save the forest. I love the forest. I want the animals to be saved. Do you want to save the forest?

- Narrissa


Don't chop down the trees. Do not kill animals.

- Hunter


Do not cut down trees. Do not kill animals. I will do anything to save the rainforest.

- Nick


I will not chop down trees. I will not pull plants out. I will not sell trees.

- Shauna


Go away please people. Do not cut the trees. I would stop the people that were cutting the trees. I would plant more.

- Mandy


I would teach the people a lesson. Rain forests are special!!

- Jessica


I would tell people not to cut down trees. They have air.

- Charlie


I would say stop to people. I would do my duty.

- Jordan


I would teach people not to cut trees down. Rain forests are nice. I don’t want the people to cut trees down again.

- Ashley


I would teach people. I would put signs up. I would make animals my friends.

- Derick


I would not allow people to cut down trees. And I wouldn’t like that.

- Sarah


I would tell my Dad to not cut the tree. I will teach them a lesson.

- Mendeep


I would go to the store and buy foods for animals. I would teach people not to cut down trees.

- Jacob


I would tell people not to cut down the trees. I would teach people a lesson.

- Peter T.


I would not cut down trees. I would tell my Mom and Dad. If people cut down trees, I would tell them not to.

- Ellen


I would tell people don’t cut down this tree. I could put up tree signs, and I would teach people to not cut down this tree.

- Tyler


I would tell people to not cut down trees, because rainforests are important to everybody. I love rainforests very very much.

- Emily


I would make signs. I teach people not to do that. I would tell them because trees give us oxygen.

- Caroline


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