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Rainforest Reading Responses

1st Graders


2nd Graders


• 4th Graders

4th Graders:

4th graders in Mrs. Cutten's class read "Afternoon on the Amazon." They then supplied information from the text to show how amazing the Amazon rainforest is.


Jack and Annie found out that they landed on the 150 feet canopy tree that was really high. Then they went through the rain forest. They spotted millions of flesh-eating army ants that can eat people’s skin and big leaves. When Jack and Annie went farther in the rain forest, they spotted piranhas biting leaves off a branch and jumping up and down in a big river. Also they found that the Amazon was 4,000 miles long. Then they saw a canoe that took them to the other side of the rain forest. They found a vine but it was really a snake.

- Kevin



They were surprised when Jack and Annie’s tree house fell on the top of the canopy. The monkey that threw mangoes also helped them get ashore. Annie saw fish but when she saw the fish’s teeth, she did not like it. She also didn’t like the army ants there.

- Anthony



The Amazon River is 4,000 miles long. Vampire bats suck blood. The monkey was throwing mangoes. The piranha had razor sharp teeth. Millions of flesh-eating army ants were there. There was a snake that looked like a hanging vine. They landed on a canopy 150 feet above the ground. They saw a jaguar who is the biggest predator. That’s what is amazing.

- Terrell



They thought it was cool being 150 feet above ground. There were millions of flesh eating army ants. They saw piranha with razor sharp teeth. There were snakes that looked like hanging vines. They saw the Amazon River that was 4,000 miles long. They did not like the vampire bats because they suck your blood.

- Chris



The Amazon rain forest river is 4,000 miles. The canopy is 150 feet above ground. Jack saw millions of army ants. Jack read the book and it said vampire bats come out at night. Jack saw a snake first. The snake was camouflaged and then the snake popped out.

- David


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